Born With Love Doulas provide exceptional birth and postpartum care, night doula care, and expert lactation clinical in-home and office visits. If you live in Southern New Jersey or the Greater Philadelphia Area, we can help you!
Hang out with Marcella, a seasoned doula, lactation consultant, pediatric sleep specialist, and mom of 4. This group meets at Babyease Therapies in Sewell, NJ on first Thursdays of every month. Gain knowledge and reassurance from a professional and meet other local moms! Pregnant mamas are welcome too!
I was once an anxious new mom, and I know exactly how it feels! We all need support and someone on our side to help us on this beautiful and life altering journey!
Your birth doula will be by your side to help you and your partner throughout the birth process. She is your professional support to answer questions, address concerns, be on call for you leading up to your labor, and provide, that constant emotional care, physical comfort and encouragement to you (and your partner) throughout your labor and birth!
We know those early days can feel overwhelming. You do not have to do this alone. Whether you live in Philadelphia, the Greater Philadelphia area South Jersey, we have your doula services covered! Your postpartum doula will address chores, ensure you're cared for and resting, answer questions, and care for your new baby so you can rest, heal. and feel confident as a new parent!
The nighttime with a new baby can be very tumultuous and usually exhausting. Having an overnight postpartum night doula can help you get the rest and recovery you need. Soothing and caring for your new baby is a 24/7 job, a postpartum doula can be an amazing support during this time. The birth process requires healing and your newborn requires constant care. Our doula services can help ensure this happens!
If you have recently given birth and are feeling unsure or defeated,we can help! We hear breastfeeding is natural and innate, though this is very true, it is ALSO a Click to book a (often) next day in home visit with an IBCLC (Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant). If you're expecting this is also the perfect time to learn the ins and out of infant feeding. Schedule a prenatal home visit set yourself up for success! A Superbill is provided for convenient insurance reimbursement. We cover Philadelphia, the Greater Philadelphia area, and South New Jersey.
It's so important to become educated on the foundations of Breastfeeding BEFORE you actually start feeding your baby. Learn the basics of breastfeeding in the comfort of your own home from our International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and get all of your questions answered. If you are in South New Jersey, Philadelphia or the Greater Philadelphia area, we will come to you! Breastfeeding support topics Include:
You just gave birth to your new little one, congratulations! Breastfeeding a newborn can feel overwhelming. There are often many uncertain feelings as you begin your journey into parenthood. Feeding doesn't have to be stressful and it should not be painful. Get next day help from our Lactation Consultant.
During your New Baby visit we will: (when applicable)
Breastfeeding has been going great, but now an issue has come up and you need some guidance? Our Lactation Consultant can help you with those challenges . You might need help figuring out :
Preparing to leave your baby to go back to work or school can seem like a daunting task, it doesn't have to be! Our Lactation Consultant can help you with an individualized plan that works for your family ! We will discuss:
Whether you are pregnant, or have already given birth, both lactation education and support, as well as chiropractic care for you and/or your new baby can be very beneficial. You can now conveniently book a visit with Marcella (your lactation consultant), and Rachel (your chiropractor) at the office in Haddon Heights, NJ. Mention this in the contact form below. Learn more about Rachel and her practice at Gaitway Rehab and Performance!
Camden County, New Jersey Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Breastfeeding is so natural, but more often than not, new parents will encounter challenges in those early days and weeks. We are here to help you get breastfeeding started with ease and comfort. Education about what to expect, how all elements work together so you can feed your baby and how to overcome common challenges when they arise are keys to breastfeeding success! Our Breastfeeding Basics Class is facilitated by an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) who is trained to provide clinical care and expert lactation support to breastfeeding parents. Bring your partner (or support person) and your questions and let's get you feeling confident about breastfeeding your new baby!
This is a comprehensive course to build your confidence and help you get off to the best start!